窦艳玲,女,博士学历,理学博士(PhD),主任医师,硕士研究生导师。1984年毕业于华西医科大学医学系,获医学学士学位;1997年于北京协和医科大学获硕士学位;2002年于丹麦AALBORG大学获理学博士学位。1984年起历任中日友好医院内科住院医师、住院总医师、消化内科主治医师、副主任医师和主任医师。1998年~2002年期间在丹麦奥尔胡斯大学和奥尔堡大学胃肠动力和生物力学实验室做访问研究者并完成博士学历。曾主持了有关慢性乙型肝炎与HLA亚型关系的研究;硕士研究生期间,率先在国内开始将心理学研究应用于功能性胃肠病,主持了功能性消化不良(FD)的性格特征、心理因素和临床特点方面的研究。该研究填补了国内FD与心理因素关系的一块空白。在丹麦研修期间,有幸接受胃肠道生物力学研究创始人Hans Gregersen教授的直接指导,进行了食管和肠道的生物力学研究,项目获丹麦Daloon基金赞助;作为第一作者,研究成果获第37界北欧胃肠病学大会胃肠动力学研究唯一的一等奖。回国后曾主持从胰岛素抵抗研究非酒精性脂肪肝的发病机理和治疗方法的研究。在《Neurogastroenterology and Motility》 《Digestive diseases and sciences》《Medical Engineering & Physics》 《Journal of Biomechanical Engineering》《BioMedical Engineering OnLine》 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》《中华医学杂志》 《中华消化杂志》 《胃肠病学和肝病学杂志》 等核心期刊发表论文50篇。第一作者SCI论文5篇,其中一篇引用次数已经超过上百次。专业特长:消化系统疾病,特别是消化道动力性疾病、脂肪肝病、自身免疫性肝病、消化性溃疡和幽门螺杆菌感染等诊治,擅长消化道内镜检查和治疗。现就职北京中日友好医院国际医疗部门诊主任医师,担任消化专科、大内科、内科急诊工作。 社会兼职: UpToDate临床顾问消化内科的翻译专家 中华临床医师杂志(电子版)专家委员会委员 中华医药杂志专家编辑委员会常务编委 Expert curricula vitae Yanling Dou. MD., Ph.D., Chief Physician. Education 1979-1984: Medical Student, West China Medical College 1994-1997: Postgraduate Student of Gastroenterology, PUMC, Beijing, China 1998-2001: Ph.D student, Institute of Experimental Clinical Research, Aarhus University, Denmark Work Experiences 1984-1991: Resident Doctor, China-Japan Friendship Hospital (CJFH) 1998-2002: Research Fellow, Aarhus University & Aalborg University 1991-2002: Consultant Doctor, Dept. of Gastroenterology, CJFH 2002-2007: Associate Chief Physician, Dept. of Gastroenterology, CJFH 2007-2008: Associate Chief Physician, Outpatient of international mecical department, CJFH 2008-present Chief Physician, Outpatient of international medical department, CJFH Research Experience (Main charge): * ν Study on the Relationship between Chronic Hepatitis-B related Liver Cirrhosis and HLA subtypes; * ν Clinical Study on the Relationship between Personality and Psychological Factors in Functional Dyspepsia (FD) Patients in China; * ν Biomechanical Studies on Esophageal and Small Intestines in Pigs and Rats. Published a book in 2001(ISBN: 87-90562-07-0. As the first author, research achievements was awarded the first prize on 37th Nordic Conference of Gastroenterology in gastrointestinal Dynamics held in Goteborg, Sweden * ν Research on Insulin Resistance in the Pathogenesis of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and approach its treatment. Special interests: Digestive Diseases, especially in gastrointestinal motility disorders, fatty liver disease, autoimmune liver disease, helicobacter pylori infection and peptic ulcer. Specialized skill: GI endoscopy and treatment. Publication: close to 50 academic papers published in nuclear national and international journals. Visit information: Time: 1:00pm-5:00pm, every Thursday Location: Outpatient of international medical department, China-Japan friendship hospital Appointment tel.: 010-84205121